
Organization of an ascending circuit that conveys flight motor state in Drosophila.
Cheong HSJ*, Boone KN*, Bennett MM*, Salman F, Ralston JD, Hatch K, Allen RF, Phelps AM, Cook AP, Phelps JS, Erginkaya M, Lee W-C A, Card GM, Daly KC, Dacks AM. 2024. (* co-first author)
Current Biology. 34(5):1059-1075.e5
Cheong HSJ*, Boone KN*, Bennett MM*, Salman F, Ralston JD, Hatch K, Allen RF, Phelps AM, Cook AP, Phelps JS, Erginkaya M, Lee W-C A, Card GM, Daly KC, Dacks AM. 2024. (* co-first author)
Current Biology. 34(5):1059-1075.e5

Heterogeneous receptor expression underlies non-uniform peptidergic modulation of olfaction in Drosophila.
Sizemore TR, Jonaitis J, Dacks AM. (2023)
Nature Communications. 14(1):5280.
Sizemore TR, Jonaitis J, Dacks AM. (2023)
Nature Communications. 14(1):5280.

The self as part of the sensory ecology: how behavior affects sensation from the inside out.
Daly KC, Dacks AM. (2023)
Current Opinion in Insect Science. 58:101053.
Daly KC, Dacks AM. (2023)
Current Opinion in Insect Science. 58:101053.

Serotonergic Modulation of Visual Neurons in Drosophila melanogaster.
Sampson MM, Myers Gschweng KM, Hardcastle BJ, Bonanno SL, Sizemore TR, Arnold RC, Gao F, Dacks AM, Frye MA, Krantz DE. (2020)
PLoS Genetics. 16(8):e1009003.
Sampson MM, Myers Gschweng KM, Hardcastle BJ, Bonanno SL, Sizemore TR, Arnold RC, Gao F, Dacks AM, Frye MA, Krantz DE. (2020)
PLoS Genetics. 16(8):e1009003.

Circadian Clocks: Mosquitoes Master the Dark Side of the Room (Dispatch on Baik et al 2020)
Sizemore TR, Dacks AM. (2020)
Current Biology. 17;30(16):R932-R934.
Sizemore TR, Dacks AM. (2020)
Current Biology. 17;30(16):R932-R934.

The Wiring Logic of an Identified Serotonergic Neuron that Spans Sensory Networks.
Coates KE, Calle-Schuler SA, Helmick LM, Knotts VL, Martik BN, Salman F, Warner LT, Valla SV, Bock DD, Dacks AM. (2020)
Journal of Neuroscience. 40 (33) 6309-6327.
Coates KE, Calle-Schuler SA, Helmick LM, Knotts VL, Martik BN, Salman F, Warner LT, Valla SV, Bock DD, Dacks AM. (2020)
Journal of Neuroscience. 40 (33) 6309-6327.

Serotonergic Modulation Across Sensory Modalities.
Sizemore TR, Hurley LM, Dacks A. (2020)
Journal of Neurophysiology. 123(6):2406-2425.
Sizemore TR, Hurley LM, Dacks A. (2020)
Journal of Neurophysiology. 123(6):2406-2425.

Local Synaptic Inputs Support Opposing, Network-Specific Odor Representations in a Widely Projecting modulatory neuron.
Zhang X, Coates K, Dacks AM, Günay C, Lauritzen JS, Li F, Calle-Schuler SA, Bock D, Gaudry Q. (2019)
eLife. 8:e46839.
Zhang X, Coates K, Dacks AM, Günay C, Lauritzen JS, Li F, Calle-Schuler SA, Bock D, Gaudry Q. (2019)
eLife. 8:e46839.

Systematic Analysis of Transmitter Co-Expression Reveals Organizing Principles of Local Interneuron Heterogeneity.
Lizbinski KM, Marsat G, Dacks AM. (2018)
eNeuro. 5(5) e0212-18.
Lizbinski KM, Marsat G, Dacks AM. (2018)
eNeuro. 5(5) e0212-18.

Flight Motor Networks Modulate Primary Olfactory Processing in the Moth Manduca sexta.
Chapman PD, Burkland R, Bradley SP, Houot B, Bullman V#, Dacks AM, Daly KC. (2018)
PNAS. 115(21):5588-5593.
Chapman PD, Burkland R, Bradley SP, Houot B, Bullman V#, Dacks AM, Daly KC. (2018)
PNAS. 115(21):5588-5593.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Neuromodulation of Olfactory Processing.
Lizbinski KM, Dacks AM. (2018)
Frontiers Cell Neuroscience. 11:424.
Lizbinski KM, Dacks AM. (2018)
Frontiers Cell Neuroscience. 11:424.

Identified Serotonergic Modulatory Neurons have Heterogeneous Synaptic Connectivity Within the Olfactory System of Drosophila.
Coates KE, Majot AT, Zhang X, Michael CT#, Spitzer SL#, Gaudry Q, Dacks AM. (2017)
Journal of Neuroscience. 37(31):7318-7331.
Coates KE, Majot AT, Zhang X, Michael CT#, Spitzer SL#, Gaudry Q, Dacks AM. (2017)
Journal of Neuroscience. 37(31):7318-7331.

Co-option of a Motor-to-Sensory Histaminergic Circuit Correlates with Insect Flight Biomechanics.
Chapman PD, Bradley SP, Haught EJ#, Riggs KE#, Haffar MM#, Daly KC, and Dacks AM. (2017)
Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 284(1859).
Chapman PD, Bradley SP, Haught EJ#, Riggs KE#, Haffar MM#, Daly KC, and Dacks AM. (2017)
Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 284(1859).

Serotonergic Modulation Differentially Targets Distinct Network Elements Within the Antennal Lobe of Drosophila melanogaster.
Sizemore TR, Dacks AM. (2016)
Scientific Reports. 6:37119.
Sizemore TR, Dacks AM. (2016)
Scientific Reports. 6:37119.

Consequences of Degeneracy in Network Function.
Cropper E., Dacks AM, Weiss KR. (2016)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 41:62–67.
Cropper E., Dacks AM, Weiss KR. (2016)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 41:62–67.

A Tale of Transmission: Aeromonas veronii Activity within Leech Exuded Mucus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Ott B, Dacks AM, Ryan K, Rio RV. (2016)
Ott B, Dacks AM, Ryan K, Rio RV. (2016)

A Flight Sensory-Motor to Olfactory Processing Circuit in the Moth Manduca sexta.
Bradley SP, Chapman PD, Lizbinski KM, Daly KC, Dacks AM. (2016)
Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 10:5
Bradley SP, Chapman PD, Lizbinski KM, Daly KC, Dacks AM. (2016)
Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 10:5

The Anatomical Basis for Modulatory Convergence in the Antennal Lobe of Manduca sexta.
Lizbinski KM, Metheny JD, Bradley SP, Kesari A#, Dacks AM. (2016)
The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 524:1859-1875. doi: 10.1002/cne.23926
Lizbinski KM, Metheny JD, Bradley SP, Kesari A#, Dacks AM. (2016)
The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 524:1859-1875. doi: 10.1002/cne.23926

Hitchhiking of Host Biology by Beneficial Symbionts Enhances Transmission.
Ott B, Cruciger M#, Dacks AM, Rio RV. (2014)
Scientific Reports. 4:5825.
Ott B, Cruciger M#, Dacks AM, Rio RV. (2014)
Scientific Reports. 4:5825.

A Characterization of the Manduca sexta Serotonin Receptors in the Context of Olfactory Neuromodulation.
Dacks AM, Reale V, Pi Y#, Zhang W#, Dacks JB, Nighorn AJ, Evans PD. (2013)
PLoS One. 8(7):e69422.
Dacks AM, Reale V, Pi Y#, Zhang W#, Dacks JB, Nighorn AJ, Evans PD. (2013)
PLoS One. 8(7):e69422.